Geek Stuff

In category:Gaming
Post by:Stone

I need to drink more quickly. Anyways, things are alright here, boring enough. I have an ear infection, I think, which is odd, since that's something you're supposed to get as a kid, right - and I've never had one before, even though I spent the greater part of at least three or four summers in Long Island Sound.

Don't read this if you don't want to read about RPGs.

So, and so, I've come back from the future with some reconnaissance data re: their cars, eventually more.
Automatic Stone Action - Shadowrun

If you're playing in the Shadowrun campaign this summer, come to the site to check out what I've added - right now I've got about eight sports cars up, and two BMWs. The other spots will be filled up with pictures, descriptions or more elaborate descriptions, ratings. Eventually more cars'll go up. If I can find some good photographs of the weaponry on sale, I'll put that up, otherwise it'll stick to text. And, soon enough I'll have a map of 2021 Boston that you can take a look at.

Remember, if you're playing, or want to play, you don't need the rule book - just write out as much backstory as you can, and I'll take care of making sure your character can be powergamed properly. Also, try to integrate adventure hooks into your character's history - it'll make the game more engaging if you give yourself some people you want to kill.

I'm also planning on melding the concepts of Essence from Shadowrun and Sanity from Call of Cthulhu. As you add cyberware to your character's body, he'll gradually lose more and more of the sanity he has; deadly wounds, limb loss, bad drugs, massive pain, extremely immoral acts, particularly filthy sights, they'll all have a shot at reducing your sanity, too. The gradual sanity decreases will show up as minor neuroses or addictions at first, gradually rising to full-blown mental disorders. He'll be very, very far gone by the time his body won't accept anymore cyberware. You won't know what the exact mental effect of any purchase until you go through with the surgery. Killing will also erode your sanity, quickly at first, more slowly later. The sanity rules shouldn't have a huge effect on the game, just so you know, and I'm not looking to fuck you guys over (well, a bit) with them. They'll give your characters more personality.

Also, so you all know, you'll all be competing in the game this summer. The person whose character has the highest bank balance by the end of the last game of the summer Wins. I dunno what you'll win, I'll try to figure something out.

That's all.


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