Gay Marriage

In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

As most of my friends know, I've been a pretty vocal supporter of gay rights for an incredibly long time. I've done my fair share of name calling, soapboxing, threatening, and other things related to my feelings on the matter. What I'm about to say is probably the oddest thing I've ever felt but it's the truth:

You're on your own now, gay folks.

That isn't a bad thing! The world is coming around. Sure, there are still people who don't like black folks running around but look at how the general public reacts when someone says or does something truly racist. Maybe the laws aren't as caught up as they need to be but the point is that black people are legitimate. I don't worry that, at some point, America is going to suddenly change its mind and go back to being crazy about skin color.

Similarly, as I sit here and observe my friends on Facebook changing their profile pics to a red equality sign, I am overcome with the feeling that you've made it. The Supreme Court is going to strike down DOMA and refer Prop 8 back to California, meaning that gay rights in places like Connecticut, New York, et al will be recognized federally and then it will be up to the other states to join the present. I'm not sure when the rest of the states will come around but, since any argument against equal rights can be argued down to either a lack of knowledge or plain incorrect data or stupidity, they will. I have no concerns or fears any more about that.

It's a good feeling. You still have my support but I know all you homos can handle shit for yourselves now. I've got your backs, though - having a hard time with a particularly stubborn moron? Just let me know and I will argue the hell out of them until they realize they are a failure as a human being.


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