Gawd.. I'm still not relaxing

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

I didn't expect to be relaxing this week, and I'm not.

I just reached a milestone at work, but its not the end of things. I am exhausted. I am really really exhausted. Weeks go by and I am only around for five minute segments. It sounds weird, but it's like I am on a really fast train, half conscious.. but im awake every few thousand miles.

The worst thing is, it's not like I'm sitting down on teh train, I am standing.. swaying a bit. I don't want to fall over.

It doesn't matter when I wake up or sleep anymore.. I need to take more drugs.

I wish I was taller. I mean, I am quite a bit above the male average height, but I wanna be 7 feet tall. I do like my height right now.. I am often the tallest person in the room (unless Wilson or Lio are in the room.. Wilson isn't that much taller tho.. FlyingTim is a tiny tiny bit taller, but he is usually in boots too, so I dunno). I do feel a bit more powerful being taller than people.. even if I am not well built or imposing. Caniprokis is a couple of inches shorter, but he is more imposing since he can beat your gramma into a pulp.

I like talking to adults and looking down on them. I am an adult now, I realize that.. but I am talking about people my parents age, and my parents. Also, I love seeing people from high school that I remember as being tall who are not that tall anymore.

I went into a meeting not long ago.. everyone expected me to be older. Everyone else was like 33+, but in walks a 20 year old kid (me). But, I felt okay because I was taller than everybody. Ya know?

See.. when you're a kid, adults are old and big. I am not a kid anymore, but I still think that those older than me should be bigger/taller. People are far less threatening when they're shorter than you.

It's especially fun being in Europe and being a giant compared to the short natives.. unless you're in norway or sweden.

I want to be the king of a midget village.

Now, relating all this to women... I find it sort of odd that I don't necessarily prefer tall to short or vice versa. It's not like I don't like one or the other.. which I think is weird. Same goes for hair colour.. maybe thats because I'm colour blind, but I really don't care about the hair colour itself.. it'll look good or bad regardless.

People don't take care of themselves.

Hygiene is important. Why do people not realize this? I am going to group masturbation into this. It really doesn't seem healthy to not-masturbate, even if you're female..

Not having a sex-drive must suck.

Why don't they put labels on pens as to what colour they are?

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