
In category:Sports
Post by:FlyingTim

This has been bugging me, in a roundabout, 'I don't really give two shits' kinda way.

How in the fuck does the use of a cart mar the game for everyone else? It seems like he's the only smart one there. Jack Nicklaus, an aging golfer who isn't nearly as good as he once was, and probably hates all the Caddy Shack movies, is very outspoken on this subject. He thinks that the use of a cart shouldn't be allowed, either. Let's break this down.

Casey Martin is not riding around on one of those diesel John Deere Gators, like land scapers use, nor is he using a moped, skateboard, scooter, Softail, Hardtail, shovel head, pan head, knuckle head, or any other derivation of a Harley Davidson. He is using a GOLF cart. Yeah, you heard me. A cart, specifically designed for the use on a gold course. It's electric, which means that it's quiet. It has these big, wide foam tires that don't mess up the grass. So just what the fuck is the big deal? I think all these outraged stuffed shirts are just jealous, because they still have to schlep around 18 holes in a pair of spikes, and this kid is riding in style.

So the man with a muscle disorder gets to the hole a little quicker than you. Suck it up. I'm glad that he's allowed to play golf with the rest of them. Because he's a real golfer. He doesn't need to be put into a special leauge, where aides have to come up every so often and wipe the drool from your lip and tell you to stop picking daisies because you have to tee off. All he needs is a goddam golf cart. they're gonna want people to carry their clubs for them...

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