
In category:Sex
Post by:FlyingTim

I'm angry, and here's why.

Why the FUCK do women pick the shitty fuckups to have a relationship with? Why not go with the nice guy, the guy with the job, the guy with an education on the first shot? Invariably, the asshole is going to treat her like shit, and if she's lucky, she'll see clear to get rid of him. Then, and ONLY then, will she decide maybe she'll 'settle' for the nice guy who's entire wardrobe doesn't consist of clothing from A&F or Structure, and then, WOW! What a surprise! I'm much happier with the nice guy! The REAL guy! Imagine such a thing.

All day long, I overhear conversations between two attractive girls, complaining about their asshole boyfriends, how they treat them like shit, one girl was even complaining about how he fucked her best friend. And she was like, and you know, we're going to have to have a discussion about that, because if I can't trust him, we can't have a relationship. Bullshit! You don't give a fuck about what he does, as long as he's not obvious about it. And even if he is, you'll still take his shitty ass back, and I haven't a clue why.

There are plenty of REAL guys out there, including me. And by real, I mean, guys with responsibility, guys with respect for women, guys with morals...And we're single. And then, as the real kick in the balls, when you date a girl, and you want to talk to her, she says that we get clingy. You know what? Fuck you. You deserve to be with that cocksucker that cheats on you and spends his time with everybody but you. Heaven forbid you be with someone who cares about you and is concerned. What good are those people, anyway? drives me nuts. There are a lot of things in this world that I don't understand, but I can usually accept that and move on, some things are just the way they are, and you can't change that. But this makes me mad, especially when I see this idiot asshole motherfuckers who go from girlfriend to girlfriend, and who don't give a fuck, because they're getting laid. Meanwhile, the girl in your class that you like, likes some other cocksucker, and he's still dating someone. But she doesn't care, because he still smiles at her and flirts with her, and she might be onto something, because he probably will end up fucking her behind his girlfriend's back. And this is to the girls who say that there are no good men left: Fuck Off. There are a LOT of us. If you're only looking for pricks, imagine that, pricks are the only guys you're going to find. I don't feel sorry for you. It's your own damn fault. just makes me so fucking mad sometimes. You'd think that those fucking assholes would just give us good guys a better name, but no, they just scare women, making it that much harder for us.

Yes, I know this sounds like pathetic whining, but go fuck yourself anyway. I had to blow off some steam.

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