
In category:Education
Post by:FlyingTim

Today was my first day of classes for the Spring 2001 semester. I hope it ends before I have to take my own life. Already, I have a deep hatred for certain professors and classmates.

Two professors have proven themselves to be extremely boring. I mean, all these professors do during the breaks are travel, admittedly. Both of them described very interesting european vacations, but when the time came to start class, the were boring as fuck. Couple that with the fucking sow who sat behind me in Psych who kept fucking kicking my chair, and I was ready to go on a killing spree. Thses professors weren't even loud and boring, they talked as if the class was one person sitting directly in front of them. And as it turns out, kiddies, Major British Authors means high school english class. So be sure to brush up on your goddam Beowulf.

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