Futter my Bucks.

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

I am in such a zombie state right now. Allergy season has kicked in... which is a new thing for me, I only seem to suffer from allergies when in Massachusetts. I guess it could be a mental issue (I really hate this state). But, the zombie-ness is from more than that... but allergies dont help.

School is a huge pain in my ass. I am more and more concerned over my grades with each day passing. If I get a D in Physics, I can probably get away without repeating it and still graduate (they generally will 'pardon' you with one bad grade.. as long as its not a F). I have two exams left in that class.. both like two days apart from eachother.. which is shitty. I need to do well. I really only want a C in all my classes anyway.

It's sad, because I have so little caring about school... except to go through more of it. I am only saying that now because its nearing the end of a tough semester and im tired and angry. But god... don't make me deal with more than one more fucking ass !@#$!@# winter!

It was so fucking nice out today. I can't express my hatred for the cold enough. I love all my friends here in the Northeast, but... I am not staying after I graduate. I will do everything in my power to move.

I am handling all of this fairly well tho.. I am just in an odd state. I played a song recently that just made me feel sorta sad.. hard to explain. Then again, I am listening to a phatty celtic tune now that makes me happy. The CD is from 'Various Artists', which is a group that does a lot of CDs, so it won't help you find this CD. The song is called 'Dancing in the Kyle'. I have heard it live by a real singer many years ago.. and more recently I heard it sung by a drunk guy.. or attempts were made to sing. At least part of it.

'Our day will come.. to break these chains and fly away' :: I like that quote.. its from a song called 'Our day will come' by Seven Nations..

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