
In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

Happy Birthday Caniprokis.

Someone said recently to me that the every time I post I mention how it has been a while since I posted and that I'm going to post more.  Well, I still agree with that, but I guess I won't change my habits for some time.

Every time I post, I feel like it should fit in with the other posts.. I don't know why this is, but it is.  When Insult started, it wasn't like that.. each post stood on its own.  That's how I want this to be..

I am seeing 'Boomtown' for the first time right now.  It's Law & Order in Los Angeles.. or NYPD Blue in LA.. it's very LA.. dramatic, involves the personal lives of the characters.  Decent show.. but I don't know if it deals with the lawyer side of things.  Seems all cops right now, although now I notice that it follows various people.. they do it like a passing spirit in each person, sorta cool.  It's on TNT now, which means it probably has better hours than when it was on network TV.  Yadda yadda.. who cares.

Went to Riverside, CA for the first time today.  It's the sticks of southern california.. or part of the sticks.  Shithole really.  It's a lot like poor southern Georgia.  I don't ever want to live there.

There are a lot of places on this earth that I would like to live.  Why?  I have no idea.. I just want to live there for a while.  I could say visit, but I would like it to be an extended visit.. I don't like going to a place for a week.  I don't want to be a tourist.. I want to be at the place.  Even six weeks is too short.  A year is better.  Three to five for places I really like.  Why not?  I am sorta doing it already.. I did nearly ten years in Connecticut, four years in Massachusetts, and I'll be in California at least three years.  I didn't even like Massachusetts, and four years flew by.. it was the school really.  So perhaps after my three years in California, I can spend three to five years at grad school some place..

I think I would enjoy a stint at grad school.  I by no means want to enter a life of academia, but I would like to do it for a little bit more.. and I mean the research kind.. not the bullshit 'ill take classes for an extra 3-20 years for a bunch of random degrees'.  I want full out research.  I say this only because I have a research interest in mind, and even a specific project.. and the best thing here is that the research is not going to be really ready to be researched for at least a few years..

Anyway.. perhaps I will remember to write more.

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