Fucking Dumb People

In category:Work
Post by:Calliander

You wanted it, Caniprokis, you got it.

by Me

Alrighty. Since I've moved on from the gas station, I think you've all noticed a visible change in me. I don't think I've been sincerely really angry since I started at the video store. At the gas station, I used to hate everything and everyone. I hated working and I hated people. Now, I love everything and everyone. I love working and I love people.

That, however, doesn't mean that people aren't still idiots.

People are mindless. The mass majority, that is. Most people just fit right into that cookie-cutter mould; none of that square-peg, round-hole thing. The media market machine dictates pretty much everything to most people. We Insult folks may not be influenced by things like commercials or billboard ads, but a lot of people are. Did you know that, in actuality, spam e-mails bring in a lot of revenue for a company? And most people tend to believe the hype, even though our good friend Flava Flav used to tell us otherwise. What I mean by this is that I see a lot of dumb things every day, dumb things that customers in my store do.

I don't know if any readers have been to a video store, but I think that most, if not all, have special "BOB'S VIDEO" cases for the movies and then they put some styrofoam in the actual movie box. I mean, I could be wrong; maybe in Stupidland they just put them in their sleeves. Who knows? Well, anyway, customers constantly bring up just the box and think they're going to rent that. Most don't even notice the actual movie in the clear, plastic case behind the box. "Oh, really? The movie's not in there? I thought it was a bit light."

Right near the door is a counter we use to display information and pamphlets and etc. We also give the movies to our customers on their way out by placing them on that counter. There's two signs on the counter that say, "Do not leave your movies on the counter." And we have these signs because there's nothing to stop someone from taking a movie off the counter. A lot of people come in and simply return their movies by placing them on said counter. It's not like our metal detector thingy which beeps when someone walks through it with a movie is inconspicuous - it's clearly not at the door, so if it's busy and someone just plops five movies on the counter and leaves, someone can take them. Most people don't make that connection, though.

Now, I don't understand why you would rent movies if you don't especially like them. And if you have to ask the person at the counter when the damned Grinch is coming out (November 20th), you clearly don't like movies enough to want to keep on top of release dates. I also don't get why you would rent movies when you don't know anything about them. Did you know there are people who don't know what VHS is? There are people who ask me if we have a movie and I'll ask them if they want it on VHS or DVD. The most common reply to this is a dumb stare and then, "No, just regular video." HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU NOT HAVE HEARD THE TERM "VHS" APPLIED TO A VIDEOCASSETTE IF YOU'RE OVER EIGHT YEARS OLD?!? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING?!?

People also don't like to look up. Even the slightest bit. They also aren't fond of looking around and finding things out for themselves. The most common question I get is, "Where are your DVDs?" Well, asshole, if you would maybe look around the store you'd see these big signs that say "DVD" on them. Several of them.

Worst of all, though, is what people do to our DVDs and video games that come on discs. Why would you let stupid kids handle a DVD disc? Why, for any reason, would you ever touch the fucking bottom of the disc? "This wouldn't play in my DVD player." Well, maybe if you weren't holding it like a cracker and getting your greasy fingerprints all over it, it would fucking play, you dolt!

More to come, but I must head to class. Good evening.

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