Fuckin' Shit...

In category:Education
Post by:LioConvoy

Well, While most of you were finishing off your semesters... I was Starting my latest one. The week started off shitty when in the middle of my first class I had a seizure, they had to call 911 and lug my ass down 3 flights of stairs. Now as any good sport would do I dusted myself off and went to class the next day. My acting class mates were handling it surprisingly well. Then I went to Karate class. Now I love the the fact that I'm doing a PE class that I love, and that isn't bullshit, but I was already sore from the seizure and this didn't help matters. Even now every muscle below my rib cage aches. Then I had English class, which blows and health, which also blows.

Ya' know... it's a goddamn shame that school force these bullshit GenEd requirements on us. I mean, I'm not going to be a better person for taking these classes. These classes are not going to help me in my future vocation. So instead of staying at home, earning money, and chillin' with my boyz, I have to keep hemmoraging money to this shit heel university... DAMMIT!

Till All Are One...

LioConvoy out...

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