Fuck Your Couch!

In category:Journal
Post by:Calliander

Hmm... stories about what we are doing. This could be interesting to see what you guys think of the person I am now.

My days consist of a fairly simple routine, which I've been doing since about May now. Wow, three months went by quickly! Anyway, I tend to wake up around 6:00am. Even if I'm working a later shift, my body usually just sort of stumbles into consciousness around the same time every day. I do approximately thirty push-ups (some days it's more, it really just depends on when my arms tire out) and then approximately 50 crunches. I have breakfast; most days I have a bowl of cereal with soy milk. The cereal is usually either Grape Nuts, Raisin Bran or Cheerios, but sometimes I'll grab one of the childish ones. On some days I make myself some eggs over easy, a couple of strips of turkey bacon and some toast. I have a full glass of orange juice every morning for sure. I then shave, if necessary, and take my shower.

After my shower, I check my e-mail and such. If it's a work day, I make my lunch. Lunch is usually a sandwich - either ham and turkey breast with veggie cheese on wheat bread or tuna on potato bread - then a serving of fruit (I usually have a good stock of grapes, apples, bananas, plums, and peaches) and either some carrots or celery. I drink water exclusively with lunch. If it's a work day, I also assemble what I'll be bringing with me. On my days off, I get changed to ride my bike and go for a two-hour ride around Long Beach.

If I'm going to work, I hop the Metro blue line to Wilmington Station, then catch the Metro green line over to Douglas Street station. If I feel like getting a lot of reading in, I'll take the Metro local 232 instead.

On my days off, once back from my bike ride, I usually work on my story for a bit. I'll wash any dirty dishes and make my bed. I might read a bit. I'll occasionally go pet the neighborhood stray cats. If any laundry needs to be done, I'll do that. I clean my bathroom a lot, too - the shower doors, the toilet, the mirror, the sink, etc. I'll make myself lunch (described above) and then mess around on the internet or watch whatever Netflix has brought me.

If I get hungry between lunch and dinner, I'll usually snack on some strawberries or blueberries but I may have some chips and salsa. I buy whatever fruit juice is on sale and usually drink that with my snacks.

I work on the updated Insult and a project for work a lot. Dinner varies but I keep it simple. Most of the time, I make some chicken with either rice or vegetables. Sometimes I'll get some beef or pork and make some interesting stuff. Other times, I'll have some pasta (if San Marzano tomatoes are on sale, I'll make my own sauce, too). I have a glass of red wine with dinner and then water otherwise. I don't tend to have dessert... every now and then I'll buy Soy Dream and maybe have some of that. I usually end my day with a cup of rooibos.

If I go out for dinner, I usually pick up a girl. A lot of the time, though, I won't bring her home with me.

At the end of the night, I do approximately 30 more push-ups and 50 more crunches.

Tomorrow is grocery shopping day, though. But first, I have to go to the Torrance courthouse (which will probably take up a good portion of my day).

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