Fuck Yo Couch

In category:Misc
Post by:Caniprokis

I HATE YOU. yes you! the one reading this right now. i hate your stupid face and your obnoxious voice. i hate you fucked up hair and your pickle green teeth. oh "but that doesn't sound like me" you say. FUCK YOU! it is you. its how you look to everyone you meet. you don't see it because your so wrapped up in your fantasy world that it escapes your vision, its as if you are "Dim" to yourself. but not to me, or anyone else for that matter

There was a time when you were not so ugly, a time long ago and fr away, so long ago that it has passed from history to legend and from legend to myth and it has left you to rot in misery for all eternity. this brings a smile to my face.

so dear reader, fuck your face, fuck your ideas, fuck your mouth, fuck your ass and FUCK YOUR COUCH!


Missing image: http://www.calliander.net/images/ugly-man-boys-stupid-looking.jpg

948 out!

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