Fuck the Catholic Church

In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

This is Bullshit

Catholic Church: Change your stupid religion now or get the fuck off of my planet. This needs to have happened yesterday.

I'm all for discussions about things that run contrary to my feelings when they are based in reality. The Catholic Church, though, has decided they are in some kind of fantasy world where Space Grandpa cares about contraceptives and queers. They've been proven wrong about these two items - like 100% fully wrong - and yet they continue to cry "freedom of religion" over the ability to espouse nonsense. The President even took it seriously! Freedom of religion doesn't give people the freedom to be homophobic. (Or to be against a logically sound idea like contraceptives, but that's not what this is about.)

So here's the deal. Because Catholic doctrine refuses to accept that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, I refuse to tolerate their views. I'm opinionated but I'll at least be respectful to you when we disagree - no longer with the Catholics. And this is going to be a scorched Earth/break eggs thing: to anyone I know who is Catholic, you will be subjected to insults and I'm not going to apologize. You can either deal with it and request change in your religion, or you can have a big old cry about it. Either way, it's happening.

Dumb bitches. "Oh, he signed a document..." He signed a document based around idiocy. Suck a cock and choke on it.

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