Fuck That Shit

In category:Misc
Post by:Calliander

Wow, Insult is back and it still sucks. Pappy, hurry up with the new design. We invented the blog, so let's revolutionize the internet once again, dammit!

Posted by Stone:A year and a month after coming to Los Angeles, I'm leaving here and moving to Philadelphia. I'm getting in my car tomorrow morning and driving to Denver. From Denver to Des Moines on Wednesday, and from Des Moines to Columbus on Thursday. My grandparents live in Columbus. From Columbus I'll drive to Philadelphia, and get into Philadelphia during the early evening.

Gonna miss you, buddy. It'll be nice having Arjun here, but it won't be the same without the S-Man and his iced-out ride, fat cigars and exotic bitches. Make sure that you drive safely and all that jazz, and let us know how the coast-to-coast trek goes. You have a camera in that phone of yours, so make sure you take some pictures.

So what's been going on with everyone else since the fall of Insult back in June?

Calliander, keepin' it fresh since '94.

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