Fuck that clock

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

Well, today was the first day of using my new alarm clock to wake me up. The stupid son-of-a-bitch alarm stopped going off again after I hit snooze for the fourth time.

I set the nature sounds (I like the brook one) to start at 8:20am, and at 8:30 the buzzer was set to go off. I could have set the radio to turn on too, but I didn't want that at the time. The brook woke me up, I hit snooze. Ten minutes later, the buzzer went off, and I hit snooze again. I kept hitting snooze a few more times after that.. and then the fucker just stopped coming back. So I slept until 10something, when I turned on the radio to catch part of Howard Stern. I must say I am impressed with the digital tuner for the radio.. very nice.

I think tomorrow I'll have the buzzer go off, then the radio will turn on 10 minutes later.. and I won't hit snooze. I have to catch a flight at 11am tomorrow, so I need to be up by 7:30am or so.

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