Fuck Rude Northeastern Folks

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

I don't get the northeastern attitude. I guess it can only be the weather that makes everyone so unpleasant. all the time. I'm tired of being here, I miss the west coast.

I had to take my car in this morning for some additional coolant as it is reporting the level being too low when I start the car in colder weather. Also, out of the blue, my car stopped communicating with my cell phones via bluetooth. Anyway, so off I go to one of the worst dealerships I've ever been to. I've known this for years, but since I can't go to Pacific BMW in Glendale when I'm on the east coast, I have no other options. I had an appointment made, but of course when I arrive they couldn't find a note of it and I get randomly assigned to a very typically unpleasant mother fucker. Every other visit to a service department in California, everyone is super pleasant, and the hot girls that work at the dealership come around offering coffee, tea, water, etc. In Connecticut, all you have is a drinking fountain and bad coffee.

I need to get some rubber floor mats for the upcoming foul weather this autumn, so I'm going to order them from Cali and have them shipped to me in CT rather than just picking them up in North Haven.

Anyway, over two hours later I was on my way, after watching the service agent (not the mechanic/technician) nearly crash my car backing out of the service bay and mumbling curses at other folks in the lot.

Then I stop at Starbucks, a place normally filled with overly chirpy folks. Not today. The customers weren't typical.. no laptops in use, and a lot of cell phone usage. I don't go into Starbucks much outside of NYC and Los Angeles and other tourist spots, so this was fairly shocking to me to see.

People avoid eye contact when walking around here. My brother is probably going to South Korea to teach English for a year, and Koreans are hardcore about avoiding eye contact, so it won't be a shock to him when he gets there.

If your car breaks down on the side of the road, people slow down to gawk at you here. In Cali, you won't necessarily have folks stopping to help you out like the midwest, but at least you'll get some folks yelling offering to help if you need it. Unless you're blocking the road, then you'll get plenty of help and yelling in Cali. In CT, it's slow down and gawk only.

If you get into an accident in CT, even if you're blocking two thirds of the freeway, you get out of your car and call the police and star back at the traffic that is slowly moving around you, gawking. If you get into an accident in CA, it's the law that you must move your car onto the shoulder unless the car is absolutely unable (even then, you'll find someone with a truck willing to push your wreck).

Anyway, good to vent.

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