Fuck Paul Krugman

In category:Politics
Post by:Stone


I hate Paul Krugman so much. Look at this:

Yet dishonest salesmanship has been the hallmark of the Bush administration's approach to domestic policy. And it has become increasingly clear that the selling of the war with Iraq was no different.

For example, look at the way the administration rhetorically linked Saddam to Sept. 11. As The Associated Press put it: "The implication from Bush on down was that Saddam supported Osama bin Laden's network. Iraq and the Sept. 11 attacks frequently were mentioned in the same sentence, even though officials have no good evidence of such a link.""

What the fuck? He's using an editorial statement made by "The Associated Press" to prove a point. Wouldn't you, I don't know, want to actually quote someone from the fucking administration if you were trying to prove that they "rhetorically linked Saddam to Sept.11"?

"Most intelligence professionals believed that Saddam had some biological and chemical weapons, but they did not believe that these posed any imminent threat."

And, fuck, who said that we were attacking them because they were an "imminent threat"? That's why we pre-emptively attacked them - in order to keep the country from becoming a goddamned imminent threat.

If "most intelligence professionals believed that Saddam had biological and chemical weapons", then what the fuck does it matter if "It's now [been] two months since Baghdad fell and according to The A.P., military units searching for W.M.D.'s have run out of places to look."

He writes "The Independent reports that British military chiefs are resisting calls to send more forces, fearing being "sucked into a quagmire,"" again, apparently, quoting another paper's quote.

The guy is off his fucking nut. The NY Times is having some problems, a lot of problems, and the shit it's been taking is justified - I'm glad they axed the old EIC. Still, Krugman's the worst of the lot of them, and he's at the epicenter of the filth that's rotting away the heart of that newspaper. Sad, sad, sad.

Anyways, things are going well. I'm flying out to LA a week from Wednesday for an interview. I'm excited, of course, but I find it a bit odd that the aspect of the trip that excites me most isn't flying across the country, it's not seeing my friends, it's not going to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles - it's having a rental car. I'm disproportionately excited about briefly having a car that I can take truly stupid risks with.

You guys all ought to post more. Post about stupid things, it doesn't matter. We all complain about no one posting on Insult - take the first step and write something. I like hearing about the inane, silly stuff that goes on in our lives.


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