fuck noise.......fuck it in the ass

In category:Sex
Post by:arcee


It is clear that this girl is diggin you....and from a girl's perspective, get on that!

If you wait around and get nervous and preoccupy yourself with all these unwritten "rules" of dating.....or finding out if she's into you, or what you should do, or what you should say.....you'll lose her.

If she made the first move, she definately likes you to the point of putting herself out on a limb here. My point is that you need to make it clear to her that you're interested, and interested in a big way, which you are I'm assuming. I'm not really condoning the behavior that pappy has such suggested, but some sort of move, be it subtle, is required here.

Oh yeah, and New Found Glory does rule, but why is this a new discovery?

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