Fuck It!

In category:Life
Post by:Calliander

There's a 99.9% chance that you'll disagree with the following opinion I'm going to state. If, in the odd event you happen to agree with me, e-mail me about starting a conspiracy. Otherwise shut the fuck up and read this before posting some lame defense.

White/black supremacists should either be killed outright or stripped of their first amendment right to free speech.

I'm sure I've given voice to similar opinions before, but I've expanded my opinion to include death. Normally, I'm against the death of any human being for any reason. Most everyone who knows me is aware of this. But I've decided, today, that evil people who uphold evil standards and try to force evil ideas into good peoples' minds obviously either don't want to live or not be able to speak freely. Take, for instance, this asshole who spoke in Wallingford - Matt Hale. You could have a conversation with this man. He could be the nicest guy you've ever met and then all of a sudden he lets you know he's a white supremacist. Well sir, you just lied to me. You told me you cared about your kids and you loved your family - you're really just a bag of hatred, aren't you? You love your little children and your wife's a saint... but you'll be God damned if you have to tolerate viewing another nigger doing well! Man, don't you just hate those black pieces of shit? That's inhuman! Or what about Al Sharpton? A man who can walk down a cereal isle and say, "Look at the Cocoa Puffs! The box is all brown, the cereal is all brown... and they got a crazy bird for a mascot! They're trying to say all black people are crazy! Death to whitey!" Does this man even have a job? He loves his black people and they're so great, but he sure hates it when some cracker-ass cracker is in front of him in the line at Burger King! That, sir, is a lie. Bags of hatred, who obviously don't care about their right to free speech.

So I say, kill the fuckers. Kill 'em or silence 'em. One of the two. I, for one, am tired of hearing from them. And I'd gladly give up my right to even voice an opinion like this just to keep them out of my ears. We can censor recording artists and movies enough to hopefully keep children from getting their grubby little hands on them; I don't want my fucking kids hearing the shit pouring forth from the mouths of these morons. Now you probably disagree with me. That's fine. I don't care. I'm just ranting - I'm not trying to start any arguments. This is just how I feel at the moment because I'm tired and I'm staring at the newspaper seeing how guards had to use pepper spray on people trying to stop a white supremacist from speaking. I just got back from work, I'm in a "kill people" mood, why not? He shouldn't have even been allowed to speak, fucking Wallingford. Damn everything. Damn the people who founded this country for making that loophole that allows idiots like the KKK to freely express their ideas. Morons. Die. Here's some more young chick porn.

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