Fuck Fuck Fuck

In category:Music
Post by:Pappy

My body clock is so so so fucked up right now.. and I don't know what to do, I know I want to go to bed right now, but I really need to start sleeping on a normal schedule. I mean, what the fuck am I doing right now you ask? I am trying to make a music cd for the car, and it has taken me 40 minutes to find 20 minutes worth of music. I find myself listening to too many of the songs, and I always have to put some annoying songs on the CD things that in some cases I can listen to, but they're the type of songs that stick in my memory so they connect me back to things in the past. So tonight I have been listening to a lot of songs that made me think about when I first discovered the song or some such.

There are a lot of mixed songs that people send me, that become real catchy in my mind (not for longer than a few days).. I'll listen to the song at least once a day for up to a week, and then I'll be sick of it and it'll be removed from my semi-static playlist.

I am not a fan of very many bands with female vocalists, yet I really enjoy listening to the female voice.. its soothing, and relaxing.. although the bubblegum stars like Britney Spears are not at all soothing. Tori Amos has a real pretty voice, I just can't listen to that much of her music at once. Jewel too has a pretty voice. Some of the most soothing female singers are country stars, but country gets irritating quickly for me, so that sort of counter-acts all the soothing qualities of the southern accent. Shania Twain is real hawt tho, although her fine body doesnt affect her quality on the radio.

My music listening skills seem to be different to other peoples, because I really can't listen to what the singer is saying.. it might as well be not in english (although, the problem with it being in german or something is the tones would then be different.. so at least english sounding makes it more comfortable to listen to). I can pick out the odd word. Even if I try to listen to a song, I can't understand.

For instance, I am going to transcribe parts of Tori Amos' 'Jackie's Strength":

Make me laugh
Say you know
You can turn
Knee in two
Sha in Sha
And Day Lah
Ick en Gee Uh
Ick en Gee Uhhhh
I got lost on my wedding day
Gees the dee dee
Muffled End
I pree
Make me laff (laugh)
So much I
Giz enuf
Ick en Gee Uh

You might be saying "Tori Amos can't actually speak", but I know other folks who can understand her, so its not that.

Okay, let's try some Jewel, how about 'Foolish Games':

It's OkyaCoodle
It stood in the rain
You're always crazy like that
Inna Wadindow
I feel I was outside, looking in
...It's always mysterious

That one was a bit easier, especially because she sings it so slowly.

Male singers are harder to understand. Let's give Weezer a go:

I get it how my feelings i will go out of my mind
... light my behind...
dont onset a drink of monica...
come on and kick me...
come on and kick me...
...I got your problems, I got my hashpipe
You got your big jeans
I got my hash pipe
I get it how my boogies will go out of control
oh medled dont both with the taste of the teat
come on and kick me...

Maybe these three groups are just hard to understand, I dunno.

But I should get to bed, wake up early, and try to get to bed earlier tomorrow.

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