FUCK!!!!!@#!@!!!!!!!@#*(&@#(%* $#EFDSVKJ *(@#

In category:Life
Post by:Calliander
Missing image: /pics/bigfuck.gif

I don't know why this angers me so much, but it does. I'm sure FlyingTim will understand that graphic above. Just hop in the truck, roll the windows up, take a drive, scream at the top of your lungs. I did that the whole drive home tonight, after I dropped SpoDudeZ0r off, of course, for courtesy reasons. I'm sure I wouldn't like it if he were to vent his anger by yelling in my ear.

You see: Lio Convoy, SpoDudeZ0r and I went to a local pool hall tonight. This was purely for fun, but us being single and desperate guys we of course were planning to keep our eyes open. Lo and behold, who comes to play at the table next to us but two incredibly attractive women. Lio, having much more confidence nowadays, initiated conversation with one of these women - one who was clearly very goddamned interested in him. So we're playing pool and chatting with these two hot girls and one of them suddenly says she recognizes Lio. After some high school reminiscing, I guess it turns out that these two girls were friends with another girl whom Lio dislikes for some dumb reason. He holds grudges like nobody's business. So I tell Lio to invite them back to the FilthHole. I'm thinkin' we can at least see if these ladies can tolerate our geekiness, you know? But no, Lio's carrying a five year-old torch - "They're bad people," he says.

Bad people? What the fuck! They're hot and interested in you and either SpoDudeZ0r or I (maybe both). What's so fucking bad about that? Whatever, I think, and continue playing, thinking he's just trying to be silly. So we get tired of playing and start to leave. What do you know, they leave, too. But instead of saying something, Lio just gets in my car, mumbling that he doesn't like the idea of them being at his house. At this point, I could've said, "Hey, where are you two ladies headed now?" Maybe see if we could go somewhere less pool-hall-ish and talk, you know? But no, Lio's recent plague of stupidity washes over me and I get into the car and we drive off.

"Bad people or not, I'd still hit it," I announce to Lio, still not piecing things together. We'd decided we were going to get some ice cream and were sitting at a stop light. Next to us at the light... the girls. He rolls down his window and says, "We could ask them to go get ice cream with us," but says nothing to them. I could've screamed something to them. I DIDN'T! ARGH! FUCK! So then this guy crossing the road keeps me from going when the light turns green and the girls go ahead and I get behind their car. We were going into a gas station to get SpoDudeZ0r some cigarettes and I put my turn signal on. I could've flashed them or something... BUT I DIDN'T!!!

None of it is really so bad except that I paid almost nineteen dollars for the almost two hours we were there! For some games of pool and a bunch of stupidity! We're talking more stupidity than my fat sister discussing nuclear physics! I mean, what the fuck? Why are we so dumb? We'll never be in a situation like that ever again! At least, not for a while! Like Stone said, there are other women, but it's just our incompetency that gets to me. That and the fact that with those nineteen dollars I could've had the chance to finally end this streak of bad luck with women. But no, it continued. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. See above. Goodnight.

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