From the Fucking Awesome Department...

In category:Technology
Post by:wilson

Okay, this web site fucking rules: You can go there and design your own cereal. If you enter the code: cerealsforme, you'll just have to pay the 4 bucks shipping for 7 servings worth. Here's the cereal that I made: Peanut Butter and Cocoa Corn Puffs, Cocoa Corn Flakes, Cocoa Corn Puffs, Natural and Artificial Flavored Chocolate Marshmallow Bits, Toasted Coconut Flakes.

Honestly, the world needs more shit like this. Oh, and you get to name it, too, which is fun. I'm pretty sure you can put down whatever you want...NAZITASTIC CHOCOLATE DEATH Here I come!

Yes, this is entertaining at 5:24AM. Fuck you all.

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