Frisbee Rulez !!

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

I suck at frisbee, but its an awesome little game. Have you ever watched it from above? It is really crazy. Wilson and I have watched it several times from 200+ feet above from a few buildings on campus we happen to be in while other people are playing down below. The disc floats across to people..

Games are not fun when everyone is good at them. Its especially bad when everyone is good except one person. So many people suck at frisbee that you can't feel bad sucking.

Hacky sack on teh other hand.. I absolutely can't do.. and I have no interest in it since its the sort of game you play by yourself, but trading off every so often. Its like playing single player video games with other people and trading off the controller.. it sucks shit.

Video games are stupid.

You are so right Stone, about the whole people disliking you thing. This is if you KNOW you are disliked. If someone trashes your room and you have a big list of possible suspects, you are doing something wrong in life.

Onto something Levres mentioned.. the group of friends who all make fun of one kid constantly. I sometimes feel like I am the kid no one likes and everyone makes fun of me.. I have brought this up before, and people deny it... but I really felt that way, especially when wilson and flyingtim were calling me a name all the time I despise.

There is the other group of people who are hated by many yet don't know it.. I've worked with people like that, and come across them periodically on campus.. they suck. Some people you just want to shoot in the face with a 200fps pellet gun (only $14.98 plus tax at Walmart). It's a pistol that shoots .177 caliber pellets at a somewhat low velocity.

I don't like the pump action on the cheap pellet guns. I want a CO2 based gun.. but I dont' want something that high velocity. Email me if you know of clean methods of lowering the velocity without too much work. One option is to increase the size of the chamber which is used to set the pressure... but its hard to do and can make the gun stupid looking. The other option is to create leaks to reduce the firing pressure. Maybe I'll have to just deal with the 400+ fps of a CO2 gun. All I want to do is be able to shoot people in the face/chest/legs/whatever if they are going to do anything to scratch my car. I'd also like to unload a few pellets out the window at unsuspecting assholes.

I went to bed before midnight last night.. ended up awake before 7am. Bad planning I guess. Tonight I will go to bed at 2:30 and wake up at 8:30. I am trying to sleep from midnight till 8am.. that is the ideal time in my head.

Sssh.. don't tell anybody...

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