
In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

Reading Levres' post got me thinking.. not that this is the first time I've thought about the matter. I am actually on my way to bed (yes, i know its only 11:30pm) but I want to add my two cents.

Everyone has a different type of friend relationship. Some people have a million 'friends' of which they arent close to any. Other people have no friends. The majority of people have a small group of friends.

I am one of those people with a small group of friends. The ideal situation is that you have a small group of friends, but you or someone in your circle know the guy/girl with the million friends.. thats how you find out what to do. Currently, I dont know that person.. which sucks.. but anyway, thats a whole different matter.

Spending the summer at home with my parents, being with my friends from high school.. that is a needed break for me. On one hand, I get to be with my parents.. which means free laundry, free food, etc.. I also get to be with a bunch of people I like a lot and who I am comfortable with. There are a few people that I know at school that I sometimes want to hang out with during the summer (but cant because of distance).. this year, there are very few people I see on a regular basis socially.. period.. I have no life really. It's sad. I work and sleep and thats it. I meant to fix that this semester, but things have gotten jumbled and so I will try for next semester to have a social life.

Anyway...... girls go through friends like I go through pens. I lose some, but sometimes I find them again.. other times I throw them out.. others explode all over someone elses face. Some say that girls don't really have any friends.. just allies.. temporary allies. Girls tend to be friends with other girls who are convenient for them.. perhaps its the girl two doors down who has similar clothing tastes (so you can shop together).. another has many male friends, so you chill with her to meet new people.. and maybe another is just fatter than you, so you look good compared to her.. (these are all true examples from girls on my floor).

Anyway.. I am starting to forget what I am writing about.. so Ill stop.

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