Fourth of July

In category:Life
Post by:wilson

Eh, to me the Fourth of July is kind of a farce anyway. It's a great excuse to light off fireworks and shit, have a barbecue, and all that. It's not really about what the holiday means either.. I mean, it's supposed to be about how we're an independent nation, how we live in the land of the free, etc, etc. This is increasingly not true, really. Now, more than ever, we, as a collective body are severely lacking in the most important freedoms of all, personal freedoms. The kind of freedoms that affect your day to day life is what I'm talking about. If you kids haven't taken a look at the patriot act that was shotgunned through congress, you're missing a fucking lot of shit.. Your rights, the shit you were brought up thinking made America the best place in the world to live in, are slowly being erroded in the name of safety.

Here's a little quote for you from Benjamin Franklin.. I'm sure he's spinning in his grave right now..

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

-Letter to Josiah Quincy, Sept. 11, 1773

So, yeah, the Fourth of July is pretty much a fucking farce, as is every other holiday it seems.. I guess theres still some semblence of respect for silly ass holidays for Arbor Day, or National Coming Out day, or some shit... I wonder if our kids will even have a clue about what the holidays are really about... At least Thanksgiving doesn't bullshit yah, its all about getting fat on turkey, fixins, and pie... Word to that.


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