forgetful rounding to third....

In category:Life
Post by:Caniprokis

becuase dogs arent people thats why. something about spending a night alone driving around listeing to music that makes you drive too fast and take chances that makes you pull over and think about how much you value your own life. i like driveing rt. 146 its got ups and downs and lots of curves and if you know how to drive it right you can really push your car to the limit. i used to own a 1990 BMW 325i and i could get that bueaty up to 80 and pull alot of those turns shifting in and out of gear pushing the rpm's up to 5000 in 4th gear. it was great i loved it its what made me love driving. now i own a 2000 jeep cherokee and i mean its got its benifits but its got nothing on the pure driving excitment that is a BMW. so i was driving tonight and im listing to "A Perfect Circle" and its got alot of songs that makes me feel alot of different emotions and im driving along and i decide that i want to drive like i used to, so i gun it up to about 75 along this great straight away stretch andim going and i hit this awsome up hill left turn nohitng it handled just fine it always feel like its about to flip so i dont notice it anymore. so im flying along and i come to this spot where theres a big old bump. so im flying right and boom i hit this bump and oh shit im in the air now ive never had this jeep in the air befor so i wack my head against the cieling as i hit the ground and i feel a bounce and oh shit theres a big tree and im ok yeah im still alive!

id also like to point out that once again dogs are not people.....not people!

if you have tvland and you a good american like me then you should be waching the next 48 hours of the A-Team. so i guess im done maybe if im in the mood ill right some more nonsence later

948 out!

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