For Lio

In category:Sex
Post by:Calliander

Dear Lio,

Something you have to do is watch her. Observe how she carries herself. Note little things about her that you like. If those things are things she does on her own, all the better. If they require some sort of prompting from you, remember what makes her do those things. Sapphire makes little squeaky noises if I deprive her of a hug long enough. It's incredibly cute and it makes me end up hugging her tighter and thinking, "Awesome." She smiles when she sleeps, so I watch her sleep. Sometimes she'll say some random sentences while sleeping. Then I can ask her the next morning whom she was fighting to announce her use of "upset panda" fighting style.

Don't talk about things you have in common any more than other things. If you don't like her music, tease her about it. Nicely, of course. Let her talk about things she likes. Don't feign interest, though, let her know if you think something is boring. A lot of times, people will try to seem interested in something their partner is passionate about, but that's really just lieing to them. If it's something incredibly important and she can't be with someone who thinks otherwise, well, that's just how the dice fall. Sapphire likes that techno stuff. I think it's crap. I tease her for listening to DJ Keoki. She notices that I'm paying attention to her and what she does.

Make decisions if she is indecisive. Spontaneity is always good - on your way home from work, you might feel like picking up a card for her or some flowers. Go with that feeling. If she wants you, take advantage of that. Do not disregard yourself.

Ask questions you want to know. Never ask how many men she's been with because you don't want to know. Find the things in her you're looking for in a woman. When you see other women who are hot, try to think of her and see how she's hotter than that.

The big one, of course: Don't you even give the slightest thought to cheating. If you give it any thought, you might as well break up because she obviously isn't doing it for you.

This one likes you, Lio. Be nice, be friendly, be the you that we see most days. Learn to appreciate the attention she's giving you and you'll start returning the feeling twofold.

Sorry for the stream of consciousness thing. It's 5am and I haven't been to bed yet! Woo hoo!


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