fire fire fire fire hehheh fire.....

In category:Journal
Post by:Caniprokis

man you guys have too much free fucking time on your hands. or whatever. hey! i like to play roleplaying games cus its a creative outlet, and i have a closer bond with the friends i play those games with then anyone ive ever been friends with. ans i was a jock.

anyways today in east haven there was a giant brush fire, so big that branford had to go and I went hehe. man ill tell you there is nothing like being a fireman. such a rush, i havent done much for the department in about a year, but i was home today with nothing to do so i went down to the station to wash the truck (what a nice guy) and im chillin and im about to leave and in comes this call so im like cool ill go to a brush fire. so i go home cus my gear was in the basement and i miss the truck of course but i catch them, hehe im fast, and i get to this spot in east haven and whats on fire but cattails, this is the worste because they spread fast and you are in a swamp kinda. so im there for lets see 4 hours and we can finally go home and i have to go to class so im stiing at class in scsu and i stink like a fire and im all dirty i felt kinda weird. fire-good stuff if you like the heat!

put the wet stuff on the hot stuff! you can take that how you want ;)

948 out

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