
In category:Misc
Post by:Calliander

So before I head off to sleepy land, I'd just like to say a few things. First of all, Bean and Blood are, at this moment, back home for the week. Awesomely enough, I have Thursday and Friday off of work, so I'll skip my Geography class and be able to hang out with them both days. Should be phat.

Secondly, took the Stone man out for a driving lesson tonight. I've been driving for six years now, believe it or not. Even though Lio was the first of our group to receive his license, Pappy and I were the first actually driving anyone anywhere. And now that getting in a car and driving is as routine and easy as showering (for me, not for smelly ol' Lio) it's amazing to remember when I was learning to drive. I think pretty much everyone begins driving the same way, unless they're unfortunate enough to have learned on a stick. So it was cool to see Stone adjust to the turning and acceleration of the car as we went along and remember doing it myself back six years ago. Brakes are always the toughest part, since every car has a different set, but I think I helped get Stone pretty used to them fairly quickly. Obviously, you don't learn everything in one, fell swoop, but progress is nice. =)

Lastly, Wilson, I think a lot of the people who are against the pirating of music and games and whatnot tend to overreact. However, if you are openly honest that you are stealing from whomever when you do what you do, and are apathetic (or even proud) of what you are doing, there might be something wrong. Stealing something hurts someone. Granted, downloading an MP3 doesn't exactly toss a saber into Lars Ulrich's back, but it makes a percentage of a difference. And if you don't care that you are hurting someone, or are proud of doing so, that's pretty shitty. I think the MP3 thing is bullshit, though, since most people do not download full albums. And the ones who do don't tend to sell those albums to people since you'd have to be an idiot to buy a burned copy of an album. I really can't preach since I download MP3's, too. The video games, though, are a different story. You can't download a portion of a game; you have to download the whole thing. There are lots of different people who worked on that game. We're talking blood, sweat and tears, here. But whatever, do what you want or something. I need to get to bed. And I'm probably biased since I love video games.

Oh yeah, and Kid Rock is old hat now. He was new and shocking a few years ago, but not much now. It's like the Eminem thing. Did he disappear?

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