In category:Gaming
Post by:Stone

Yeah, Spo, it sucks horribly that FASA's gone. I still miss Shadowrun, running it, and playing it.

Almost all of the SR adventures I've run have been really memorable, from the first ones back in Arjuns house with Brad, Ryan, and 1st edition Shadowrun, up to Freak Zeta and such. I still want to run it again - going with a game where there are serious situations made silly by the characters, instead of the waay it was for a while, where it was just a comedy game. Most of my favorite characters have been Shadowrun characters - Fwank, Neil Protagonist, Sonny Chiba.

Heh - it's funny that in the bio page, the site has options for single, and married, but not "involved with someone" or anything like that, which would make much more sense.


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