Fall in the Light

In category:Journal
Post by:Calliander

Things are difficult, I guess. Not that I'm complaining, but I've got Stün almost breathing down my neck to do something about work. I've spoken to my boss several times about getting the Sunday morning off. The unreliable guy before me could do from seven, but not six, so I'm stuck there for three hours. But I can't quit or toss that threat at my boss because I need to have a source of income. A lot of people just quit jobs that annoy them because they think of themselves as above being annoyed. So they quit and sit unemployed for a while and go back to another annoying job. I'm not one of those people. I don't think I'm so special that I can say, "If you don't do this, I'll quit." Chances are, my boss would say, "Fine, quit!" and then one of the other guys, most likely the really nice guy who does ten hours a day Monday through Friday, would end up having to do those crappy three hours. And as much as I hate having to do them, I wouldn't want him getting stuck with them. Once I get another source of income, though, I'll be giving my two-week notice so fast that my boss will still be recovering from the blow after I'm gone.

I played a bit of catch today with Stün and his lady. I also practiced throwing a bit, as well. One of the few non-geek things I've done in life, I was a very good player for the Little League team. When I started, I used to pitch. I wasn't especially great, but neither was I bad. After we got a better kid I went to left field, but in both positions I was still a pretty good hitter; my first year I was voted best rookie. I think we need to get more friends so we can play some baseball this summer. When I was practicing today, I had a lot of good throws. I can catch a wildly thrown ball with one hand pretty easily, too - and without a glove. I have yet to get to some batting cages, but it'd be fun to have a game. Keep everyone active instead of doing our usual thing: sitting around Lio's basement and eat food while watching TV or playing RPGs. It'd be neat.

Caniprokis had a good night on Wednesday. He got to (sort of) take his Jeep off-road. We were travelling on a road at 50mph, but it wasn't fast enough for the kid behind us. So Caniprokis pulled a few brake checks and the kid flicked his high beams on. This enraged our buddy Caniprokis and he pulled the Jeep over to let the kid behind us, also in a Jeep (older model), pass by. He then stepped on the gas and followed the kid for about forty-five minutes through the back roads of Madison. It was quite an adventure and seemed to make Caniprokis quite content. Hehe.

And now, I unveil the creation of the decade, or something like that. Ah, it's crap, but fuck it.

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