Facebook and 9/11

In category:Life
Post by:Calliander

So I posted about how mindlessly saying shit like, "Never forget!" and "Honor the people who died!" on 9/11 only serves to give power to political assholes and people who want to sensationalize the tragedy for their own means. About an hour later, Facebook removed it and told me it was offensive.

I then posted an update that said, simply, "Babies." It was also removed.

Well I run this site, you dicks.

So let me lay it out.

Saying, "Never forget!" et al does nothing. It's a retrospective cop-out, comparable to saying, "Oh, so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Let me know if I can help." Everybody says things like that with no real intention of helping - in fact, if you called on them for a favor they'd probably have an excuse. "9/11: Never forget!" is a groupthink response to an event so terrible that it deserves much more articulation than it gets. You might as well keep silent.

What really helps is thanking people you know who were involved in the rescue efforts, thanking people you know who serve so selflessly in our armed forces, offering to assist a person who lost a family member with simple tasks: these are all good ways to commemorate 9/11 and the unthinkable events of that day. Even the nutjobs trying to prove 9/11 was an inside job are at least dedicating thought and concern to it.

I've already thanked my friends who serve and I sent an e-mail to the family of the friend who died in Tower 1.

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