Exams and Credits

In category:Education
Post by:Levres

So I had two exams last week. I don't know if I wrote about that or just meant to write about it. I don't know if anyone reads my posts anyway, so no one knows and I can't remember. Oh well. Anyway, I got them back yesterday. I got an A on my number theory, but it wasn't as good an A as I had hoped so I was disappointed. It was an A though, so I shouldn't be of course. Then I got an AB (A- or B+) on my abstract algebra exam. I thought I did better. I hate classes where you think you know what you're doing and you really believe it's right and then it isn't. Like usually I get things wrong on exams because I either make a stupid mistake that I immediately understand what I did wrong when I get the exam back, or I just don't know something and I leave it blank or mostly blank. This was not the case. I actually thought I did really well, answered all the graded questions completely and I thought I really knew what I was talking about. Then as we're going over it, I realized I didn't know it nearly as well as I thought. Who knew that an automorphism has to map the identity to the identity? I guess it makes sense. Oh well, an AB isn't bad and I think it was above the class average which is always nice.

I have an exam on Thursday. I'm going to go in and bend over so I can get fucking right up the ass. I've read all of what we've covered and I've been doing the homework mostly on time. I've gone to every lecture and I'm still confused. It's so frustrating. I don't know when the last time I read all of a text book was and this semester I've read all of each one of them (by all I mean up to the point we're at). I noticed that it helps. But in geometry it doesn't help enough.

I have a big problem with my prerequisites. This class is way heavy into linear algebra. I passed linear algebra with a B (that I hardly deserved). All we did was row-reduction. That was fine with me because I've never needed lienar algebra. Then I get to geometry and I'm fucking lost. I can follow the book and the notes right up to the linear algebra. Then I get lost trying to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors so I can translate axes and blah blah blah. It's, again, quite frustrating.

The pregresitration guide for the spring was put up yesterday and being the dork that I am, looking at it was one of the first things I did when I got up. I also looked at my degree audit. There's a little thing that says how many credits I have to finish and it says 65. I have 3 semesters left and I'm no math major here by 65/3 is 21.67. That's two 22 credit semesters and a 21 credit one. What the fuck? And that's just gen eds and classes to finish my major. I also have STEP requirements that aren't even on there. I'm going to be here fucking forever. Then I realized that that number doesn't include the credits I'm doing right now and the ones that I have an incomplete in (from this summer). That brings it down to 50. And that's like 3 17 credit semesters. Then I also found out that I'll be done with my major and gen eds in less than 50 credits, actually only 30 or 33, so The other 20 can be used for STEP so I will get out of here at the end of next year as planned. Thank God. It was so stressful and disappointing to think I'd be here for another year.

I have 6 gen ends left to take, 18 credits. That's an entire semester of gen eds left to do. Bah. Anyone take any good gen eds? I need everything but a PS, a BS, and R1 and R2 of course. I need history, literature, arts, interdiciplinary, and diversity. BAH. I don't want to be a well rounded person!

I want to learn Spanish.

I don't think proper is a bad thing, but for our age, I don't think it's necessarily a good thing either. I don't know too many guys that are proper, but if I had to pick any, it would probably be Pappy. Take it to mean something close to old. Then it's an insult.

1212 Out.

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