Everyday Heros

In category:People
Post by:Caniprokis

Are you scared dad? Justin asked in a tone that told his father he was. Yes son, but thats ok, being scared is nothing to be ashamed of. See son, your grandfather was a solider in world war two. He thought that America was worth the life of more than one man, he knew weather or not he lived through the night that freedom was being defended, and thats whats going on now. And so Mark stayed and watch his son fall asleep a look of comfort on his face feeling safe in his bed, in his house, the one place we should all feel safe. But Mark knew, he knew that we could never have that feeling of safety again. Our home was invaded, our sleep disturbed, never again would we feel able to have that perfect sleep. He left his sons room that night perhaps for the last time, walking into the hallway of his house, taking a good long look at the ugly dark brown carpet his wife Julie had picked out, hoping that he would come back and be able to rip that shit out. He walked down his stairs all 13 of them counting them one at a time remembering the nights at Christmas sneaking down so quietly to put presents under the tree he and his son and wife had decorated the night before. He looked at the picture of his father on the mantle; he never thought that he made him proud; hopefully this will make him proud. He picked up that dark green duffle bag with the bold printing that said U.S. ARMY on the side, he stepped outside his house taking it in for one last time to remember what it is hes fighting for. He looked up at the window of his sons room, Yes son, I am scared. He got into the car with his wife, he looked at her, her long brown hair flowing just over her shoulder and deep brown eyes looking more worried and nervous than on there wedding day, he kissed her, Im coming back baby, dont you worry about me, I promise. She just looked at him, a tear forming in her eye, and grabbed him and held him tight like she was trying to make him a part of her, bring him into her so that they were one. And after a long time she let him go and he sat back and started their 1998 Dodge Durango and made that long drive to the train station

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