Every Night I Burn... Every Night the Dream's The Same

In category:Entertainment
Post by:Three of Swords

The Crow gatekeepers can kiss the fattest part of my ass. Here's a little post I wrote responding to the hate:

Oh man, I remember these feelings... back in 93. Being a fan of the comics I was stoked to hear about a Crow movie. Then slightly less stoked when I saw Brandon Lee in costume because he didn't look EXACTLY like the comic (my ideal Crow movie would be Goth/Punk Rock flavored early 80's period piece). Then I was BITTERLY disappointed by the anemic and compromised adaptation we got. I would grow to enjoy the movie on it's own merits, but it will never be the Crow movie I want. I actually like this version's esthetic, it feels like the original comic filtered through this generation's view of what's cool. Just like Brandon Lee's version was the comic book filtered through grunge look. My point? Every piece of Crow media is someone's first and favorite version of The Crow. Let's not poop on it for them. The story itself is timeless, like Shakespeare, it should be told in a modern setting to keep it relevant. So that new people can be exposed to it.

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