Europe is fun

In category:Leisure
Post by:Pappy

Boy, I go away.. and wham, the only posts are auto posts.

Wilson and I are still in Europe. I am not going to post much because I'd rather wait till I get back and have nothing better to do. It is almost 10pm here.. so thats why you're seeing a post from me so early in the day. Anyway, here is how the trip went so far:

  • Monday the 8th - Depart New York
  • Tuesday the 9th - Arrive in Brussels at 8am local time. I have not slept in days now. Upon arrival, we tried to stay awake. Got a sandwich on some awesome fresh bread from a sandwich place. Spent more time as a zombie, and then took a nap. In the evening, we went out.. looked around, had dinner, etc.
  • Wednesday the 10th - More looking around Antwerpen.. slept in. Also worked.
  • Thursday the 11th - Yet more looking around in Antwerpen as well as more work.
  • Friday the 12th - Sleep in later than expected, do some work in teh morning. Depart on the 2pm train to Amsterdam. Drop our stuff off at the hotel, and next thing you know we're in a coffee shop. Wander around Amsterdam
  • Saturday the 13th - We bought some groceries. Half litre cans of beer and snacks. Stocked up on fresh pastries too. Spent the evening wandering the red light district staring.
  • Sunday the 14th - Slept in.. woke up for a bit, then went to bed at like 6pm.
  • Monday the 15th - Wake up early, check out of the hotel, take the 11:25am train back to Belgium. Go shopping in the afternoon.. I won't ruin the surprise and say what we bought... let's just say its fucking awesome.. hopefully customs will let us take it back to the USA. Did some work in teh evening
  • Tuesday the 16th - I slept late. Did some work, then we almost got arrested for jaywalking in a country where it is perfectly legal to drive around drinking good strong beer. Went back into the city centre, looked around.. had some coffee and croissant, and Wilson had a waffle.

Provided we wake up early enough, we're going to Paris for the day tomorrow. Then unfortunately we're back in New York on Friday.

_"Oh no, I got stoned and ate all of the Lion bars" - Overheard 2001

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