
In category:Misc
Post by:GatekeeperTDS

Yes, Pappy, you old man. We are all here for the sole purpose of entertaining you. But I really don't care. You can play evil dictator all you want and sit in your room and "Heh" at the screen for hours on end when you see my reactions to hunch's absurd amounts of stupidity. I really don't give a shit.

And by the way, I don't "squirm". I'm reacting to our young friend the same way I react to anyone that can't spell, that can't speak in complete sentences, and can't contribute any useful thoughts to our little Insult Society. Let me use our good friend Caniprokis as an example. He can't spell or speak in complete sentences, but despite the fact that his thoughts dump out in one large two-screen length pile, his thoughts usually contain a large amount of substance, often more substance than 90% of the posters here (including myself).

And despite my earlier comments, I really DON'T want to wipe hunch off the face of Insult. I can appreciate entertainment just as much as any of the rest of us can, and Calliander is right, we posters definitely shouldn't have any quality rating power, because it would definitely be abused like the AIM "warn" button. Fucking AOL. I hate them.

So Speaks The Gatekeeper...So It Shall Be!

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