End of the Semester Blues

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

Geh.. my zombie state is making me feel depressed. Or am I depressed and that is why I am a zombie?

I feel so drained right now. The few hours I was able to be outside today in teh sun felt absolutely fucking wonderful.

I was up till 4am or so working on my paper for Chinese History. The paper was on the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) but included a few other events prior (100 flowers in '57 and the great leap in '58 on). I was just staring at the screen typing.. I woke up to finish it at 10am.. the class was at 1pm. I hit print at 12:58pm and arrived at class a tiny bit late. I was happy to have it done, and sort of proud of myself for actually learning something for a change. Feels weird.

After history let out at 2:15pm, Wilson and I had to go to stats.. boy was it hard to get myself to go... I regret it. I should have stayed out on the lawn watching the women and the ducks.

After stats, it was 4pm.. the sun was still out, but it was starting to cool down. I found myself back in here at work by 5pm. I've been working and stuff since.

I ate a chicken sub for dinner tonight, it was great since it was still quite hot. Oh.. earlier I ate a thing of strawberries I purchased at Stop&Shop on Sunday. I love spring/summer.

I found myself getting depressed as the sun went down.. I wish I could get myself in the habit of going ot bed earlier and waking up 15 minutes after sunrise.

I really hate having a roommate. Preacherman is a good guy and all, but I just don't want to live with other people. But then again, I do...

Ideally, I'd like to live in a dorm with a private bathroom and no roommate. I would still like lots of neighbors, even if they are loud or puke in the hallway.. that has never bothered me about living in the dorms. The only thing I hate about hte dorms is having a roommate. It doesn't matter who it is.. I don't want to live with them.

Anyway.. I'm tired and have nowhere to go with this rant, and I don't even remember why I stared it.

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