
In category:News
Post by:Sapphire

"Whose penis is that?" Is that a question you really want answered, Levres? About Kevin's girls, I don't think they're all that attractive, they just happen to have their clothes off, and a palette of makeup on. And no, I'm not a girl-hater, as some close-minded people would immediately like to label me as. I appreciate other girls, especially if they're beautiful in the natural sense. I'm the girl who turns to whoever she's with and says (be it watching TV or in public),"I think she's pretty," or, "Wow she looks great in "whatever whatever."" Not to say that I've never viewed or previously appreciated porn. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't. Kevin, I know you're advertising your product and you believe these girls are hot (as many other guys might also think) and want to share them w/ us, especially of Ciera with a guy's dick in her mouth. But there was a reason I turned the autoposter off. I didn't want to catch a tit or a clit in the eye, or cock even, when I sign on to see what everyone's currently posted or just to post.

Anyway, "because the President appeared increasingly close to making a final decision about taking military action", to quote from the NYT: "The administration has suggested that it will put off a decision at least until Feb. 14, when United Nations weapons inspectors are to submit their next report to the Security Council, but not much beyond that." So...Valentines Day can NOW "also" be remembered for being the day that we announced WWIII, AND the Valentines Day Massacre? Great...*And do they really believe that Saddam, even if he "voluntarily" goes into exile...won't make anymore trouble, because he was yelled at by the big ol' U.S. of A. and sent to sit with his face in the corner, like a bad little boy?* Bullshit, I agree w/ Caniprokis...and further say, the millisecond we get him in our sights: "Shoot tha bastid and shoot'em good."

"It ain't easy being green." ~Kermit the Frog

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