Ellen DeGeneres is a Lesbian

In category:Life
Post by:Stone

I'm leaving Los Angeles in mid-August, and moving to Philadelphia. I'm staying with the company that I work for right now - leaving one position in Los Angeles for a similar position in the northeastern branch.

I knew, moving out here, that I wasn't going to stay for a long time. I don't like the landscape or the weather out here, I miss being able to visit my home, and I like winter. Simple stuff, and I might have adapted to living out here had I wanted to. I didn't, I don't. So, I'm leaving. I can't tell if it's the right time to do it.

I never really even began living here. I've got a pretty large apartment, and there's nothing in it - a couch, a cabinet, a TV sitting on some sort of bedstand. I can hardly believe I've been here for what is almost a year, in my apartment for 7 months. It's a terrible waste, eh, I've hardly even lived here. I may be leaving because I feel like any further time I spend here will be tainted by the time I've thrown away over the last year. A lot of reasons to leave - mainly, to give myself another 'fresh' start.

I think if I had stayed on, I would've been promoted again at my job, which would've been useful. I'm taking a step backwards in some sense - it'll be difficult to immediately match my progress at the new workplace to the same rate I'm at out here. Eh. Philadelphia's a good location when I move on to more school or a different job. It's a train ride from NYC, Connecticut, DC, Red Sox games in NYC.

I'm driving across the country, and I'm excited to drive through the Rockies.

I don't know much about Philly. I visited it during high school and thought the city was great, but I didn't get much further than a mile or two away from the UPenn campus. I may be mixing up memories of Boston with Philadelphia. I'm going to be working in the middle of New Jersey, about 50 miles away from the center of Philadelphia - I don't know anything about Philadelphia traffic. I think I'm going to live close to I95, which should make things easier.

I would like it if people posted more on this.

Fuck hoes exquisite, Cali, great place to visit.


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