Elian Gonzalez Media Coverage

In category:News
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

What the fuck is all this bullshit? Why do I have to have whatever I'm watching on TV updated every fucking hour on the fucking hour for "We bring you a special news update, Elian Gonzalez just took a shit. Our own Latisha Yolanda Hernandosmitalez is live at the scene with pictures" Why should I care about some 6 year old little turd so much that I want to hear about every miniscule little fucking detail of his useless life!! If he was some 40 year old bearded dude named Paco would we be hearing all this shit about him? NO!!!!! At least if he was said bearded dude it'd be cooler to see him pasted on everything and hear him talk, and instead of all these people giving him toys and spoiling the fuck out of him they'd be giving him cigars and booze and hookers.

And you know what? Cuba is shit for being such a toilet. A toilet filled with shit. And Castro is the king piece of shit, a really old hard piece of shit that won't flush. I think we should just drop a huge fucking nuke on Cuba, then Elian won't be in the media anymore because he won't be able to go back to Cuba, it'll be destroyed!!!!! Or we could send him back to the site where that piece of shit country once was and the radiation will turn him into a mutant, maybe a cool mutant like the ones in Marvel's X-Men. The comic though, not the fucking cunt ass upcoming movie. What the fuck is all this bullshit?

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