Effort Appreciated

In category:People
Post by:Calliander

Lio, I don't believe you understand the gravity of this situation. As such, I can understand how you feel about how Insult suddenly blew up at you. You feel that none of the business between you and Wils0r's ex is any of our business, which is a perfectly normal feeling. I can see where you're coming from.

However, you also need to understand something. Everything you do is a reflection upon us, your friends, just like everything any of us does is a reflection upon you. To that end, your "transgression," and the subsequent handling of it, is directly our business. What you did had a direct impact on how many of us view you: the levels of respect some of us might hold, the credibility some of us might view you with, the neutrality you can possess, and so on. So whether we went and blabbed to the masses what happened or not, your actions have affected us. It's true that you never lied or denied any accusations concerning the matter (I don't believe any were made) and you never asked any of us to lie. And it's crappy that Bean, after being informed of the situation between you and Kim, went and did what he wanted with her just like it was crappy of her to consent. Does that change that I feel you are overreacting? No. Does that change that I feel what you did with Wils0r's ex was crappy? No.

It makes no difference if Stone told anyone about your romp. If you'll remember, you told Kim very bluntly about and made it sound as if you had done it merely to get back at her for not doing things with you. That might not be the case, but that's the way she took it. And when you went crazy at my going away party, Kim told both Sapphire and I what you had done. Even if you had told her not to tell anyone, it's very pertinent information in regards to her feelings for you. Christ, man, any other guy says to a girl, "I slept with someone else, neener-neener!" to her that means you are not interested . And she felt, having the knowledge that you had gone and wet your willy in someone else, that you were no longer interested in having a relationship with her. If you really felt the way you described about this girl, you would never have done it in the first place, let alone told her about it. You would have stuck it out and dealt with things. Despite the jokes and all, life is NOT about putting your penis into as many vaginas as possible.

What makes the situation worse is that this is Wils0r's ex. Of all of our group of friends, I think he would be the one least likely to ever be the target of anyone's wrath or ire (unless he's next to Caniprokis and Caniprokis is high). If I had to choose which person of us to fuck over - really choose, not just ponder - Wils0r would definitely NOT be my choice. There's no reason for it. You not only betrayed his friendship, but you also helped his angry ex get back at him. And you think that this is merely of "questionable (not even flat out wrong, questionable) moral character"? There's no reason for any of us to believe that you would ever have told Wils0r. If you were sneaky enough to go behind everyone's back and make arrangements to roger his ex, then no. And the only reason that I didn't tell him when I found out was because I just didn't have the gall to do it. I wouldn't even have known how to break it to him. So I started "gabbing like a ninny" to Caniprokis - as I'm sure you were referring to me in that veiled hint. Does that make me any more mature? Fuck no! But that doesn't mean I'm exempt from thinking what you did was wrong.

Look, one thing that is probably wrong in our group of friends is that when someone does something incredibly stupid and we just say, "Ah, well, that's [x]." Blood says "nigger" or "kyke" fifty times a night. We get mad if Hugh or I say it, but it's just Bloody. Lio maliciously and unthinkingly cuts a friend out of his life or stabs him/her in the back, but it's just Lio.

Well, no, it's not just Lio. It's great that you got things cleared up with Caniprokis, but we can't keep excusing this type of behavior. If you learned from this, all the better. And perhaps I'm alone in my feelings. Who knows.

Happy Turkey Day, folks.

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