Eck. Busy week, tired week.

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

Haha, wilson.. we should get bumper stickers made up with that.... hmm.. yea/

I am actually going to sleep early tonight. I'm proud of myself.

Last night I fell asleep in my chair for a bit, then migrated to my bed.. I didn't set my alarm right and slept through my first two classes. I then spent my time in the third class writing backwards. I find that my handwriting when I write backwards is quite good.

I went to the gym again today.. I tried a new cardio machine, and I was fucking sweating like crazy in no time... that's something I don't find I do enough: Sweat. As wilson noted, comp sci kids sweat and smell a lot.. I really don't like being a computer science major because I really don't want to fit the stereotype. Sure, I like to buy gadgets and electronics.. I might program a lot, and not sleep.. and yea, I love weird ideas (I am going to setup that series of 486 linux routers.. I will. I just need a dozen or so computers). Anyway.. back to the gym.. hmm.. okay, fine.. I've got nothing to say.

So I got back to my room, dealt with some folks over the phone, and took a shower to clean my sweaty ass. At this time, the lines to the servers were down, so I couldn't do a thing. So I was going to work on the libidonetworks page.. I then realized something horrible: I have not masturbated in two weeks. I have also not slept more than 6 hours since. Coincidence?

So, that is my current "problem".. which I'd deal with right now if it weren't for me being tired and not in the mood. I'm in the mood during linguistics class, and at pretty much every other inopportune time.. but not when I want to be lately. Bleh.

All I know is, I feel like I'm drunk. Not sleeping enough does that. And exercising doesnt help me sleep really.. sure, I'm tired.. but I've got things to do and coffee to drink.

This rant is going nowhere.. and I don't have anything else to say except I'm tired. Gosh I'm tired.

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