Eats, CT to FL Style.

In category:Food
Post by:wilson
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This winter break I got the chance to go down to FL from CT, and back again via car. Since I don't drive, good ole pappy basically had 48 hours of driving hell with me in the car. I did my very best to stay sane on this long car ride, because thats alot of freckin' time in a car. I kept a captains log of every time pappy went to the bathroom on the way down and back up. At one point I counted and it was over 100 times, I think. Anyhow, there are an absolute ton of kickass places to eat on that long ass strip of I-95 that runs from CT to FL, and we took that strip as far as it goes, and then further.

The best discovery that we made on the trip was probably Sonny's Real Pit Barbecue. Hell Fuckin' yeah, this place is the shiznit. You mix the best tasting food I've ever eaten, I think, and like the nicest waitstaff I have ever seen and youve got Sonny's. The place itself is really funny, too. It's this big open inside area, filled with these funny wooden picnic tables, and the tables have like thirty different barbecue sauces on them, and they all kick ass. Every time we went in there (we went twice) they told me what all the sauces were, and I just immediatly forgot. You did'nt need em anyhow, since, the food itself rocks the ass more than anything I've ever tasted. The other kickass thing about this place, and I wish all resturants did this, is that they just kept on bringing the drinks. I don't know about you, but I can drink like a bastard. Especially when im out eating good food.

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The other kickass place that we found to eat, and we probably ate there about 5 times over the course of the trip up and back was Waffle House. Let me clarify, here, the place is a fucking dump. There's a Waffle House on EVERY SINGLE FUCKING EXIT once you get past, say, the Washington DC area. The best part is that they're ALL THE SAME. They're all these shitty dumps with these probably horribly underpaid staff, which treat you way better than they should and/or have to. Theres a ton of great stuff that they make here, and its really funny, since like, everything on the menu is a gimick. They have all this garbage about how they serve the most of this, or the most different kinds of this, or how many combinations of toppings you could have on whatever. Its hillarious. The hashbrowns there kick ass, especially, and the waffles are damn good too. Oh, and I forgot the best thing about Waffle House. They're open 24 hours a day, and filled with white trash almost as many hours per day. We were lucky enough to eat there at about 3am twice, and one time it was filled with white trash kids talking about smoking and fucking and stuff, and these kids were probably no more than 12. Then the other time it was pretty empty except for this horribly frightening couple out on like this big first date at the waffle house, I was pretty sure that one of the two of them was paying them for their services. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention, every single thing there is cheap. I ate until I almost puked every time I went there and it was never more than like $3.55. It kicks ass, and it's cheap. How can you lose?

I guess this is where the rant comes in.. WHY THE FUCK DONT WE HAVE THESE PLACES IN CONNECTICUT!? We've got the shittastic diners in Branford, and those are the only places open 24/7. They're staffed by assholes and filled with every single person in Branford that I hate. The food is expensive and way less than anything that could be considered "good". Waffle House would be perfect in a place like Branford, but I suppose you could never con someone into being "southerner" polite for the shitty minimum wage that I'm sure is Waffle Houses' corporate policy. For some reason these poor southerners get douped into working there, and actually like it. God bless em. The other thing is that We need good barbecue in the northeast. Sonny's made me realize how fucking fantastic meat could be. Sure, we've got Outback, which kicks total ass in its own respect, but we've got no good place for barbecue. And you might be thinking, oh, barbecue, I've had that. No. You havn't unless youve gone to one of these little hole in the wall places like Sonny's. You've had cooked meat with some sauce on it. Nothing more. If you ever get the chance to go to any of these places, do it, goddamit. You certainly wont have a problem finding a waffle house. I don't think we counted more than a handful of exits without one.

I can't fucking wait until I move out of the northeast corner of the world. - JW

[Addendum] Goddamn, I never realized how fucking verbose I was. Sheesh.

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