Easter, the stupid Mets and Web Design

In category:Journal
Post by:Calliander

Those damn Mets lost again today. They've only beaten the Atlanta Braves for four games. Twelve games played. Four won, 8 lost. Six of those losses were consecutive. Last year, the Braves were the team the Mets couldn't beat. Now they don't seem to have a problem besting them... they just can't beat any other frickin' teams! I don't understand. Rick Ankiel, the wildest pitcher in baseball, outpitches Randy Johnson. Alfonso Soriano, a rookie, is playing like a veteran. Hideo Nomo pitches a shutout at one of the most hitter friendly parks. I blame the strike zone for those things. I don't know what to blame this Met losing streak on, if there is even anything to blame it on. Yankee fans, of course, will say that the Mets suck. The Mets are stranding people on bases. That means they're at least hitting well enough to get people on (or drawing a lot of walks). The Pirates - now they suck. The Cubs - they suck, too. A team that makes it to a World Series doesn't suck if it retains almost all of the same players. Meh. I'm sure nobody cares, but this is a journal entry anyway. Bite me.

I work from 6am to 9am on Sunday morning. Today being Easter, everyone was coming in and wishing me a happy Easter. At 6:30, one middle-aged woman asked me why I didn't wish her one. So I said, "I don't celebrate Easter so it didn't occur to me to wish anyone a good one." The truth is that I honestly don't care to remember the dates of religious holidays, but I didn't want to insult the woman and her reassurance. Of course, you know, I gave the same excuse to every person who bothered to ask me why I'd forgotten it was Easter. Hehe. Anyway, this woman goes, "Oh, so happy Passover, then." I let her know I don't celebrate Passover, either. She suddenly realized and looked very terrified. To my surprise, she pulled out rosary beads and a cross from her purse and placed them on the counter in front of me. (Keep in mind that this is 6:30 AM.) "I'm a licensed exorcist for [I forget the name of the church] in Bridgeport. Quickly, let us exorcise your demons!"

I chuckled and said that I can't have demons since I don't believe in them. "That's because they're fooling you into believing that! The Lord will save you, child!" and she tried to reach across the counter at me. Chuckling again, I said, "That won't be necessary, I'm quite safe." It was amusing to me. Just like it was amusing to eat meat on Friday. Fuck the establishment, you know? When I backed away, though, she looked really stern. "I'm going to let [my boss] know he's got a faithless demon working for him!" she yelled, and stormed out. I felt a little upset, but it's still pretty funny. Really religious people like that are funny. She honestly believes that I'm possessed by demons, that there would be no other reason for my lack of faith. Hehe. I wish I were that gullible. =) Well, no, I don't, but it might be fun for a day.

For those of you unaware, I do web design. I'm not especially gifted with the actual graphics, but I can lay the ones I make out very well. That's why I get paid thousands of dollars an hour to make a site for a company that sells the clicking mechanisms for pens. (Not all of the previous statements are true.) Anyway, I came up with a particularly snappy graphic today, feel free to comment on it to me:

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