Dunk This, asshole.

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

I think when caught getting a blow job, the only thing you can do is give a thumbs up. It sorta diffuses the situation, which is necessary.

I went to Dunkin Donuts this morning. When I was on antibiotics (for three weeks), I was going pretty much every morning to get breakfast. Now that I'm off the antibiotics, I don't go as often and I only want coffee. Typically a double espresso. I've made the mistake of not specifying 'black' already (who the fuck puts milk and sugar in shots of espresso?). But they are typically so baffled by the fact I'm just ordering espresso... no donuts or other coffee drinks, and just black. I get comments like "Are you sure?", for fucks sake.

Anyway, this is at the drive-thru, a concept I'd rather go back to ignoring. This morning I told them I was very sure and drove up to the window and heard them yelling around for espresso. I paid my $2.10 (overpriced at that) and waited. I fire up my blackberry and read some emails. I had fifteen new messages, and deleted the four spams. The dude at the window (he happens to also be the manager) came back and asked for $4.27 from me a minute later, then realised that I was the same customer as before. He freaks out, yells for a black double espresso. A few more minutes pass, and he asks me to pull into the parking lot and someone will bring out my coffee.

So I back into a spot, and go through the rest of my emails. I fiddle with the radio, trying to find a station playing music in the morning. God, the radio sucks in Connecticut. I get more annoyed by the radio than anything, but eventually I notice a lot of time has passed. So I turn off the car and get out to walk in and find out what the hell is going on. Good timing I guess because the girl is coming out to hand off my coffee just then.

This whole process took more than fifteen minutes. Bleh.

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