Dunga dunga DUNGA.

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

Well, again I am starting a post by pointing out it's been a while.. yadda yadda. I do miss putting my thoughts online, which is why I still intend on doing it more.... eventually. Probably not until summer, which is a likely target at this point for a site re-launch. I still haven't really told anyone what the new features are. My reason is somewhat dumb - someone else might take the ideas and implement them first. Now, that really should be fine considering it's been three years or something since the ideas came up. Some of the features have already appeared elsewhere, but I still feel my set of ideas is still fairly unique (for now) as a whole. Call me selfish, but I want to do it myself.

Stone has mentioned this being the year of the big two five for him, and it's also true for a number of us including myself. Yay for the insurance break and all that.

The number also sort of hits you in other ways. I turn 25 this month (on the 25th) and it's not something I'm exactly fretting over. I can't say I particularly enjoy any birthday, except 18 and 21. It's an excuse to break out sweet treats (cake) and liquor, but that brings me to my point. I don't need an excuse. I will sometimes celebrate a sunny Tuesday, and in California that happens practically 52 times a year (give or take). Don't get me wrong, I don't celebrate every tuesday.

When it comes down to it, in many ways I prefer the random celebration. Perhaps a good steak dinner, some nice belgian ale (Chimay) and friends.

Now, turning 25 really means little (besides car rentals and insurance) except you're half way through your twenties. Half way to 30, which to someone in their early 20s could look like the end of the world (settled down, family, whatever). I'm not at all woried about my body continuing to age (not yet at least.. incontinence is a long way away). Really it becomes about expectations. Acting your age.

Now, for years I've acted older than my age in many ways, and now I feel things reversing. I type this at nearly 2am on a Wednesday night. I'm out of school, I'm in the "real world". People in the real world go to bed early and go to work quite early. At least most working stiffs do. It's the responsible thing to do, right?. I just can't seem to get myself to do that just yet.

I'm sure eventually I'll slow down, it's only natural. I think my plan is to fight it off as best as I can. Does that then make me afraid of getting old? Some might see it that way, but I don't. When I see older people (even as young as 30) who have just given up on living a good life... well, I don't know, it sucks.

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