Drops on Glass

In category:Drunk
Post by:Pappy

Anchor Steam is currently on tap here at the pad. Bought a case of Bass to take to a friend's earlier, but got back home not long after midnight. Enough time to have a few more Anchor drafts (yum..).

The drive home was particularly unique tonight. The skies were a bit different; there was rain falling from the heavens. The lack of measurable rain the past six months has caused even the more experienced rain drivers in this here city to come to a crawl as the storm grew.

I managed to maintain a level of speed such that the splashing droplets on my car would explode while being illuminated by the passing lights of the freeway. Los Angeles likes to light their roads. I had my wipers on the slowest delay possible, which I probably could have lived without considering how heavily waxed my car is. I don't think it sees the rain more than four or five real times a year at this rate, and it gets hand waxed very often so I've never seen rain not form as beads on the car. Windscreen included.

In a few weeks, it will have rained a few more times. By then, I'll be seeing more frequent accidents as more people gain more confidence. More rain, more problems. But tonight, driving in the fast lane actually was working. I wish people would drive like this at all times. A steady, well spaced out fifty miles per hour in the right three lanes opens up both the carpool lane and the left two lanes. At least until someone fucks up.

I wish driving required tested classification levels. Grandma can still go on the freeway, but restrict her lane changing.

On an up note, I did manage to enjoy the last bit of the Yankee / Red Sox game. I couldn't have asked for a better way for the Sox to blow out the season. Fuck Massachusetts. Might as well add my two cents on the matter.

Let's make it four cents, and let me say that the... well, no... fuck it.

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