Doopie Doo Wop Wop Woo..

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

I have this song in my head. It goes nothing like how I wrote my subject, but I was thinking of a similar song.. anyway.. not relevent to anything else going on..

I am currently in Connecticut. Woke up and came down here today. Had to do some work, and I'm more or less done.. waiting for caniprokis to call me back now. I am starting to think I will be at home not too late.

My little brother's computer is so dusty. The bastard must never use it. It has been off for over a week.

I saw The One last night with my roommate and his girlfriend. Went to an early-ish showing. I forgot there were so many high school kids at movies. Normally I end up at late showings with fewer kids. Behind me were two high school age girls. They made the complaint when the previews started that 'Its so loud! How can we talk?'. I was amazed. I guess teenage girls don't go to movies to watch movies. They were just with eachother, no boys or anything.. why the hell do they go.

The movie itself was sort of neat. The effects were pretty cool.. very very very real looking CG. The layer blending was spectacular. But, the movie story was sort of lame and there really wasn't too much special going on there. It isnt a movie I really want to see again, even on DVD. I saw it, and I am not sorry I saw it.. but I don't need to ever see it again. I must say that it is impressive to have such awesome fight scenes using one actor. He plays both roles. I don't see this movie as much of an award winner.

I really want to see Monster's Inc. Not sure when I can see that tho.. ah well.

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