Doo doo

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

In most areas outside of the northeastern suburbs, I have seen video stores only put the pretty boxes filled with foam (or nothing) on the shelves. They are numbered, and you take them up to the counter, where the video bitch (aka 'clerk') picks it out of a shelf. In Europe, some stores make you take a slip up.. some don't even have the boxes (they have the covers in books you look through). In South Africa, many are video booths where you use a computer kiosk to pick the film.. and then you request it by number. You can also pick over the phone.

Also, I think the video bitch should be able to give video advice.. perhaps general knowledge on the top action/comedy/horror/romance/whatever release. Like.. I wish I could get someone to recommend them.

Webster (Emmanual something) is going to be on the Weakest Link. He is some sort of fucked up midget or somthin'. That dude still looks like mother fuckin' Webster. God damn!

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